Toobeah Reserve Master Planning and Community Reference Group Terms of Reference
After a four-year process 210 hectares (ha) of the 220ha Toobeah Reserve is planned to be transferred to Bigambul Native Title Aboriginal Corporation (BNTAC) following an application to the State Government under the Aboriginal Land Act 1991 (ALA).
The transfer includes requirements for accommodating the Queensland Stock Route, Goondiwindi Regional Council (GRC) infrastructure for non-potable water supply to Toobeah township and future residential land (by GRC).
BNTAC have been engaging with the community through public meetings, with GRC and Queensland Department of Resources (DoR) representatives to deliver the planned outcome of transferring the Reserve to BNTAC.
As publicly stated during February and March public meetings, BNTAC objectives are to develop a Master Plan, with the involvement of a Community Reference Group (CRG) as a means to include key stakeholders and community representatives for developing planned outcomes for the management of Toobeah Reserve.
The CRG provides a forum to work with the community for the preservation of the reserve while creating opportunities around Caring for Country, healthy waterways and eco cultural tourism for Toobeah.
Master Plan terms of reference and guiding principles are based on a Caring for Country plan for Bigambul Nation as this underpins Country and cultural obligations relating to management of land and waters.
The CRG will be conducted through the following values and principles:
CRG MEmbership
The CRG will include representation across Bigambul, and Local and State Governments with community members, comprising:
- State Government
- Toobeah Community/General Public
- 3 people (Executive, Project and Technical leads) 2 people
- 1 person
- 2-3 people
Each member will commit to the planned term of the Master Plan process estimated at six months. Requirements of the role will include attendance and involvement with:
- CRG meetings – Inception, draft and finalise for adoption
- Master Plan workshop – held at inception
- Draft Master Plan – CRG review and discussion
Selection criteria through these Terms of Reference are consistent with guiding principles and Master Plan objectives that will underpin selection to the CRG, and a code of conduct expected of participants.
CRG Governance
Chair and Facilitation
- BNTAC as the direct applicant of the ALA process will be the chair.
- BNTAC will undertake the role of secretariat (agendas, collation of information and preparation of relevant documentation).
- The CRG process is a semi-formal procedure to gather information and inform a non-statutory Master Plan process.
- These activities and outputs of the Master Plan process are to serve as a guide only.
- The Master Plan development is not bound by any statutory requirement nor fixed capital resourcing.
- The CRG is not a decision-making entity.
Frequency of Meetings
- Four meetings mix of Goondiwindi Regional location and online
- Attendance in person or online by invitation/arrangement with no proxy/delegate
Refer to Program and Deliverables overview.
Membership Expectations
- Professional engagement incorporating the guiding principles
- Understanding and commitment to the Master Plan process
Program and Deliverables Overview
July 2024
Meeting 1: Initial inception meeting
- CRG Code of Conduct
- Master Plan Principles and design considerations
- Program and deliverables
July/August to December 2024
- Meeting 2: Preliminary design workshop at initial inception meeting – informing draft desig
- Meeting 3: Draft Master Plan – online or chaired at BNTAC office
- Meeting 4: Final Master Plan – online and/or held at BNTAC office with CRG to close out
Master Plan Outputs
- Graphic Representation of management areas and requirements
- Framework of technical reports to come e.g.
- Land and water ecological assessments; site conditions, impacted areas, protection areas for restoration.
- Cultural values overlays
- Risk Management
- Environmental Management Plans
- Access and circulation points where applicable
- Rangers program planning and implementation
- Eco-cultural tourism opportunities analysis
Location of Meetings
BNTAC Administration office, 78 Marshall St Goondiwindi or a Community facility in Goondiwindi.
To Apply
Complete the online form to submit your application.
All enquiries by email to [email protected]
Closing date July 10, 2024