Bigambul logo

E-mail: [email protected]
Postal: P.O. Box 168, Goondiwindi QLD 4390
Address: 78 Marshall Street, Goondiwindi QLD 4390

Bigambul logo

E: [email protected]

Mailing Address:
PO Box 603, Cannon Hill QLD 4170

BNTAC On Country Office Address:
79 Marshall Street, Goondiwindi QLD 4390

Strategic Plan

Planning for the Future

The Bigambul Native Title Aboriginal Corporation is governed by a Board of Directors which undertook a strategic planning process to pave the way forward for the Bigambul people.

In addition to meeting routinely for Board meetings, the BNTAC Board convene dedicated strategy and planning sessions. These are to:

  • progress key work programs;
  • map and identify higher level priorities, considerations and needs; and
  • ensure that we are taking into account the full position of the organisation and current and future potential and actual risks, threats, opportunities and positions of strength.

In particular, a comprehensive risk mapping process was undertaken to parallel development of the BNTAC Strategic Plan, as part of ensuring thorough due diligence; and holistic consideration of the organisation’s current and future positioning and factors at play that may influence this. 

BNTAC has in place targeted strategies aimed at responding to identified risks and challenges. These are supported through effective leadership and oversight from our Executive Director, in conjunction with good governance from the Board.

To preserve pride through cultural identity and see Bigambul people become resilient, strong and empowered through leadership, knowledge and education that encapsulates self-determination, economic prosperity and independence.

We honour, identify and occupy our continuous connection to country through our Ancestors and with our Elders so we can teach and grow our future generations and lay the foundations for a sustainable and thriving Bigambul Nation.

Cultural Identity

The rich cultural practices, knowledge systems and cultural expressions of Bigambul peoples are a source of great strength and keeping Bigambul culture thriving is a necessary part of the solution to broader Indigenous disadvantage in Australia.


Through leadership, knowledge transfer and establishment of effective corporate governance, solid values and principles to create empowerment and resilience will continually enhance sustainability of the Bigambul Nation.

Self Determination

Self-determination as an ongoing process which ensures the continuance of our people’s participation in decision-making and control over our own destiny as a Bigambul Nation.

Economic Independence

We believe knowledge is power and through innovative partnerships and economic participation our collective primary aim is improving opportunities for the social and emotional well-being of Bigambul people.

BNTAC’s work and operations are also underscored by the following Values:

  • Cultural authority – We are strong in our cultural identity and knowledge 
  • Respect – We are committed to working together and building effective and sustainable partnerships
  • Honesty – We demonstrate integrity and transparency in our actions
  • Trust – We have faith in our Elders, our communities and each other
  • Vision – We display understanding to achieve independence for our people 

BNTAC’s Key Result Areas (KRAs) are as follows: 

  • Maintain rigorous corporate governance practices that are culturally inclusive, accountable and transparent. 
  • Invest in the preservation and advancement of historical and traditional lands, cultural knowledge and practices and promote Bigambul connection to country. 
  • Leverage commercial opportunities to build the economic strength of the Bigambul people
  • Build the skills and capacity of Bigambul people through expanded training opportunities 
  • Bolster and maintain BNTAC capabilities in moving toward self-sufficiency